Almost There

I have three radiotherapy sessions to go, one ultrasound on the suspect lump on the last day of radiotherapy, (although how they’re going to see anything through the burnt flesh of Bad...

Next Stage

As you can see, I have changed the design of the blog. This is because I discovered my blog has been added to a blog promotion site (not sure if it was one of you wonderful lot who did that,...

Feel Yourself

What started as an idea a few weeks ago to raise awareness is really getting off the ground now. I’m getting charity status sorted this week and am working with Emily Harrison of the H...

Poor Little Cancer Cells

So I was sat here experiencing shooting pains in Bad Tit, and after a short time of wondering if it might be a heart attack, I decided to self-diagnose on the internet instead of slipping in...

Stress That I Just Don’t Need At The Moment

No, not my sons, although you’d be forgiven for assuming it was them, especially after Holly caught them last night in a passionate embrace, gyrating against each other. ‘I feel ...