The Disease of Politics

Ask anyone who’s had cancer and they will agree - we all worry about it coming back. We worry about it spreading to other organs. In fact we worry about that more because once cancer from ...


I have deliberated whether or not I should write this post for quite some time. It may be oversharing. But when I started this blog it was my intention to document the entire cancer experien...

Life Goes On

It’s now been over two years since that fateful day when the consultant said those life-changing words. There are many days to mark when it comes to remembering that time. The day I fo...

[gallery] jacksgettingfitter: If you only reblog one thing today, please make it this For the last two and a bit years, I’ve had the great pleasure of working with somebody who just so ha...

[gallery] jacksgettingfitter: #FeelBroSelf Breast cancer is not always pink - men can get breast cancer too. This October Feel Yourself Campaign is asking us boys to check our pecs, post...

‘It Shouldn’t Be As Hard As It Seems…’

…to come up with a catchy slogan for a Breast Cancer Awareness month campaign that’s aimed at men. But it is. Men are a funny lot. This October, during the annual pink cascade, ...