Up and Down

Today we  went to the hospital. Again. That was trip number 18 since the beginning of December (including GP visits and excursions to other hospitals/clinics for various related reasons). Today’s adventure was Nate-centric, with a brief breast exam for me because I found a lump in the other breast and obviously freaked the fuck out. As you would. It was nothing. 

And… breathe.

Nate had to go into the little room with the classy porn and produce a sample of his produce so to speak, just in case we get funding for a cycle of IVF before they kill all my remaining ovum with chemotherapy. We also had to have blood tests, but I think on balance he preferred the first test, especially talking to the young female Andrologist afterwards about his lifestyle and deliberately making her blush. 

An old friend died suddenly yesterday, lots of people are a lot upset. Life is throwing some odd pitches lately. It wants to rein its neck in and play it straight for a while.